Achievement House BLOG

With just a few weeks left of summer vacation, now is a great time to start planning for the first day of school! Cyber students may find it more difficult to break out of summer mode, since they won’t be getting on a bus or walking into a new building this fall, so here are a few tips and tricks to getting off to a successful start this semester:

Create & organize your own (maker) space

Whether you are a part of the maker movement or not, students should have their own designated space for school where they can be comfortable enough to focus and stay on task. What if you don’t have an entire room or office? The most successful cyber students just have a quiet place – a desk, or a particular chair at the kitchen table – where they can concentrate and complete assignments with as little distractions as possible. 

Cyber charter schools in Pennsylvania supply their students with a laptop, printer and access to internet for online learning – once you receive your hardware from AHCCS, make sure that all laptops, tablets and other electronic devices you might use have a good WiFi connection if you are not plugged in. Also make sure you have easy access to your printer.

Set your schedule

Many students choose cyber education because they are balancing athletics or community activities, and flexible scheduling allows them to complete assignments on their own time. Without a bell to let you know when it is time to change classes, cyber students need to take accountability for managing their own time.  If you are always on the go, make sure you are setting aside enough time for live classes, homework and social activities.  

Surf smarter

Cyber students are on the forefront of education technology using learning management systems and online resources every day, instead of just as a supplement to a traditional classroom education. Brush up on your digital literacy before school starts, so you won’t feel as rusty the first time you open excel. Websites like Google Scholar and can take your education to the next level. Students who are working towards college acceptance can use apps and websites like Scholly to find scholarships that could help fund your education!